Custom Heavy Equipment Attachments

Custom Heavy Equipment Attachments

Founded in 1946, Craig Manufacturing is North America's leader in Custom Heavy Equipment Attachments.

The engineering team at Craig Manufacturing are seasoned veterans when it comes to designing attachments that maximize the effectiveness of the machines they work on. Our engineers work closely with end users to ensure our custom attachments meet their needs. As part of this process we provide clear 3D drawings so you have the peace of mind that the attachment you get will meet your unique needs.

Did you know?

  • The Craig engineering team has over 100 years of collective experience
  • Craig Engineers can simulate the conditions of the field using FEA analysis to test potential new product designs quickly and efficiently.
  • Our engineering team works closely with our sales team to ensure customers specifications are fulfilled
Build a Custom Attachment

Once your order is placed, our engineering team uses advanced 3-D modeling software and Finite Element Analysis to create a detailed model of your custom attachment. After receiving your approval on the 3-D design, we’re ready to move forward.

Every task has a perfect tool.

The Craig Blueberry Bucket is the perfect example of how Craig works with you to make a custom solution to meet your special needs...

In the early 90′s Craig sold a Land Clearing Rake to Cherry Field Foods in Cherry Field, Maine. They saw some potential in this product and modified it for a different purpose than what we had ever intended it for. Our engineering team made many field trips to their facility. During these visits modification information was gathered and the customers suggestions were incorporated into the design.

The Craig Blueberry Bucket was later introduced in the mid-90′s with its primary function is to prepare blueberry fields with rough topography. This is done by removing large rocks that would otherwise disrupt the mechanical harvesting method. The buckets long smooth bottom allows the bucket to get under large rocks without disturbing much soil. Once the rock is removed the bucket can then be used to smooth the affected area.

The Blueberry Bucket has since helped pioneer easy mechanical harvesting in blueberry fields all over the north east USA.