Donations & Sponsorships

Craig receives numerous donation and sponsorship requests from worthy causes each year. We are deeply committed to our community and youth, actively supporting charities, benefits, and programs that make a positive impact. Our current two major chartable campaigns are:


Craig is committed to supporting the charitable efforts of our employees. For each donation made by an employee, Craig will match the donation amount, doubling the impact of their generosity.

  • Flexibility: While we prioritize matching donations to registered charities, we are open to considering other causes that are important to our employees.
  • Easy Process: Simply attach your donation receipt when submitting a donation request form to HR, and we’ll take care of the rest.
  • Annual Limit: Each employee is eligible for donation matching once per calendar year.

Requests can be submitted anytime throughout the year; however the maximum number of contributions awarded to any employee, charity, initiative, event or other sponsorship will not exceed once per year. A request may be refused where Craig has already committed its support to a customer, other employee, or a business partner for the same cause.

Due to the volume of applications that we receive unfortunately Craig is not able to support all requests made. A denial of a request does not signify that a similar request made in the future will also be denied. A request may be refused where Craig has already committed its support to a customer, another employee, or business partner for the same cause.

Craig may choose to make contributions smaller or larger than initially requested. In cases where contribution is made, Craig may request as a condition that the company’s logo be displayed or some other form of acknowledgment of the contribution be made.

Preference will be given to:

  • Registered local charities
  • Enhancement opportunities for our youth
  • Programs or events that contribute to community growth

Craig generally does not fund:

  • Adult recreational activities
  • Charities operating outside of North America

Request Form

Please Email a completed form to apply!

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